East Midlands Airport Byelaws

Plane flying

On entering the East Midlands Airport site, byelaws specific to East Midlands Airport must be adhered to or the individual could face a fine or be removed from the site.

East Midlands International Airport Limited Proposed Change to Byelaws

Pursuant to Section 63 and Schedule 3 of the Airports Act 1986, East Midlands International Airport Limited hereby gives notice that it intends to make an application for confirmation of airport byelaws to the Secretary of State for Transport.

Copies of the proposed byelaws are available for inspection here and are open to public inspection free of charge at Pathfinder House, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donnington, Derby, East Midlands, DE74 2SA during normal office hours until 5pm on 14th May 2025.

If you wish to make representations in relation to the proposed byelaws they should be sent to the following address on or before 14th May 2025: Secretary State for Transport, Department for Transport, Great Minster House, 33 Horseferry Road, London, SW1P 4DR.


On 5 July 2024 the High Court granted us an injunction, which prohibits anyone from entering, occupying or remaining on East Midlands Airport in connection with the Just Stop Oil campaign (or any other environmental campaign) without our permission.

Anyone breaching the injunction might be imprisoned for up to 2 years, fined and / or have their assets seized for contempt of court.

Documents relating to the Injunction can be found here.

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